Clarity & Solidity

sem título Marcelo Solá
We offer thoughtful, personalized legal solutions connected with a global perspective, acting preventively and proactively in cases of interest in the Judicial, Executive, and Legislative branches.
We strive to delve deeply into our clients' businesses to overcome challenges, working together to resolve high-complexity issues with robust solutions. Our approach combines the multidisciplinary and integrated composition of our team with our experience in business relations and with the public sector, offering effective solutions without straying from the specialized knowledge required in each area.
Regulatory and Governmental Relations
Brazil's regulatory tradition and the inevitable intersection of business and public policy demand a focus on managing complex regulatory issues and building solid, institutional relationships with governmental bodies.
Our firm's approach is aimed at facilitating high-level participation in regulatory discussions with the Executive, Legislative, and Judicial branches, enriching the debate with legal and business perspectives that result in efficient and high-quality regulatory practices.
Our office is strategic located in Brasília to enable active and institutional participation in Brazil’s decision-making processes and advocating for our clients' interests in nationally significant matters.
Strategic Litigation
We represent national and international clients in complex legal disputes involving both public and private law, at all levels of state and federal courts.
Our firm's practice includes various economic sectors and areas of law, emphasizing contractual, real estate, consumer, and innovation law, as well as cases involving Public Administration.
By combining technical knowledge with pragmatic action, our Litigation department prioritizes effective solutions and provides individualized, strategic support across various courts.
Administrative Law
Merging academic and practical knowledge, we provide legal guidance in cases that require interaction with the Public Power in regulated areas, such as Oil and Gas, Sanitation, Digital Services, Transportation, Energy, and Health. Our aim is to assist in our clients' operations and anticipate risks, always starting from the analysis and understanding of laws and normative acts of each sector.
Our Administrative Law practice also includes monitoring disciplinary actions and cases of administrative misconduct, civil inquiries and public civil actions, defense against administrative sanctions from consumer, environmental bodies or regulatory agencies, as well as advising on bidding procedures and contracts with the public sector.
Criminal Law and Compliance
We advise individuals and legal entities in criminal cases involving environmental crimes, offenses against financial order, tax laws, public administration, and others, particularly those connected to business activities.
Our firm's approach includes close and diligent monitoring of criminal proceedings from the investigative phase, with representation in state and federal courts up to the Superior Courts. We also offer consultancy for evaluating our clients' commercial and operational risks and assistance in agreements and collaborations in the criminal area.
Our expertise includes advising clients on the implementation of compliance policies which, based on the analysis of legal aspects and the evaluation of specific cases, represent more efficient procedures and, above all, are aligned with norms and guidelines of corporate ethics.
Litigation and Investigations
Based on a careful analysis and in-depth understanding of the case itself and the client's activities and interests, we provide advisory services to seek for a conflict resolution that is aligned with their objectives.
To build a pragmatic solution, we resort to methods of defensive and proactive investigation that broaden the understanding of the case context and enhance the accuracy of the decision-making process.
The Luna Sottili team is formed by highly qualified and experienced individuals, with solid training in various areas of law. We work as an integrated team in a healthy environment that stimulates both personal and professional development.
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Igor Luna Partner

Luísa Sottili Partner

João Antônio Fonseca Partner

Rafaela Braga Attorney

Isabella Y. Kobayashi Attorney

Theo Brandão Attorney

Gustavo Rodrigues Attorney

Igor Luna Partner
Igor is part of a new generation of lawyers, active in developing cross-cutting strategies for complex cases in various economic segments, involving the Judicial, Executive, and Legislative branches.
He has a multidisciplinary academic background and maintains an intense practice in regulatory disputes and negotiations, mainly in Brasília. Professionally, he has been frequently mentioned in Brazilian and foreign publications as a standout in the legal world since the early years of his career.
Bachelor’s Degree in Law from the Faculdades Metropolitanas Unidas (FMU)
Specialist in Administrative Law from the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo (PUC-SP)
Master Degree in Constitutional Law in progress at the Brazilian Institute of Education, Development, and Research (IDP-DF)
Portuguese and English

Luísa Sottili Partner
Luísa is an attorney specializing in high-complexity litigation cases involving governmental bodies, commercial relationships, and infrastructure projects, with experience and activity in judicial and administrative spheres.
She is actively involved in regulated areas, such as Sanitation, Oil & Gas, Transportation, and Health, and has experience in public civil actions, civil inquiries, and administrative proceedings initiated by regulatory agencies, consumer protection offices, and environmental agencies.
Bachelor’s Degree in Law from the Mackenzie Presbyterian University
Bachelor’s Degree in International Relations from the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo (PUC-SP)
Postgraduated Lato Sensu in Administrative Law from the Getúlio Vargas Foundation (FGV)
Portuguese, English, and Spanish

João Antônio Fonseca Partner
João excels in representing his clients in police inquiries and state, federal, and original criminal actions from the superior courts, as well as in leniency agreements and plea bargains before control agencies, AGU (Advocacy General of the Union), and the Public Prosecutor’s Office.
He has extensive experience in defending the interests of public agents and companies in proceedings initiated by control bodies, in administrative misconduct actions (federal and state), and in representing members of the Judiciary in disciplinary administrative processes.
Bachelor’s Degree in Law from the University Center of Brasília (UNICEUB)
Postgraduated in Law, State, and Constitution from the Cândido Mendes University
Postgraduated in Criminal Law and Criminal Procedural Law from the the Brazilian Institute of Education, Development, and Research (IDP-DF)

Rafaela Braga Attorney
Rafaela is an attorney specializing in Regulatory Law, Administrative Law, and Government Relations with a multidisciplinary approach in economics, competition law, and politics, such as experience across various sectors, particularly maritime, digital economy, and fuels.
She has experience in handling cases and consultations before regulatory agencies (such as Antaq, Anatel, ANP, and Ancine) and CADE, as well as in the development, analysis, and review of public policies in collaboration with the executive branch and the National Congress.
With a keen eye on norms, regulations, and political movements that impact projects and clients, and combining her expertise in Regulatory and Administrative Law with her experience in government relations, Rafaela excels in providing innovative and holistic legal solutions.
Bachelor’s degree in Law from the University of Brasília
Portuguese, English and Italian

Isabella Y. Kobayashi Attorney
Isabella is a specialist in Administrative Law with extensive experience in the implementation and legal management of infrastructure projects throughout the country. She stands out in matters of compliance and regulation, contributing to the effectiveness of interactions between the private sector and public power.
Bachelor’s Degree in Law from the Anhembi Morumbi University
Postgraduated Lato Sensu in Administrative Law from the Getúlio Vargas Foundation (FGV)

Theo Brandão Attorney
Theo is an attorney with experience in Administrative and Regulatory Law, both in advisory and litigation matters, with a focus on the fuel, basic sanitation, energy, and transportation sectors.
Bachelor Degree in Law from the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo (PUC-SP)
Portuguese, English and Spanish
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Gustavo Rodrigues Attorney
Gustavo is an attorney specializing in Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure. He has extensive experience in defending clients in highly complex criminal cases.
Bachelor Degree in Law from the University Center of the Federal District (UDF)
Portuguese and Spanish
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To contribute to this mission, we engage in judicial actions with significant social impact, aiming to improve public policies and the legal dynamics that influence our society.